This month in Wota Wonderings, I ask:
Hoping we’re not all shallow wotas, imagine your favourite idol (or musical personality) switched bodies with someone you don’t find “visually pleasing”, would it affect your love for that idol in any way/shape/form?
I really think the best way is to analyze this would be a case study of my top 10 post on AKB48 that I just wrote. Most people are analyzing this based on H!P, but since I'm more into AKB48 right now, we'll talk about them :P.
The times I mentioned looks for my top 10: (I felt that the ones regarding looks deserved eye candy)

I want these abs so badly...
-I mentioned Sayaka's awesome abs. (#2)Awww isn't she adorable?
-I thought that Miichan was adorably cute like an elf (#6)
-In Nacchi's entry, her huge hair from the past came up, but I still think she's gorgeous with her short hair. (#9)

In MegaTokyo, they say to fear the cute ones. Well, then be very afraid of Rabutan.
-In my honorable mentions category, I mention that I think that Rabutan was the cutest thing ever
-I thought that Noro Kayo was gorgeous...

Another one of those to fear...
- and Miyazaki Miho was cute.The times I mention voices/performance skills for my top 10:
... I started typing this out, but it turns out, I mention them in ALL of them. (1-10 plus honorable mentions)
The times I mention personality:
... I started typing this out, but it turns out I mention it in all of them as well except for Yukirin. I got caught up on her 8th gen audition that I think I forgot to mention it.
So, I guess according to this case study, looks don't really matter as much to me as personality or voices. I think that a voice is super important to me (since after all, they're supposed to be singers...), but personality is key too. My all time H!P favorites, who are Mari, Yossi, and Yuko, all have amazing stand out personalities. Some people hate Sayumi from Morning Musume because she can't sing, but I love her because she has this really funny personality. She's narcissistic, she has the weirdest answers sometimes to questions during talk periods, but she seems really quick. I really should love Ai much more than I do, but because she lacks the personality compared to the other girls on Morning Musume, she kind of falls in my rankings. Though, performance skills (ie in concerts/stages), sometimes win me over as personality points, like it does with Risa. Captain of Berryz Koubou used to not be the most attractive to me, with her awkward photos and smile, but I couldn't help but love her when I watch her dance. She also has an incredibly funny personality that I got to see in Berikyuu.
But that's not to say that looks don't matter to me. Nakki of C-ute (and I apologize to her fans that are reading this... this is just my opinion) is a person who particular isn't the prettiest to me, and I really can't stand her. She always looks like she's worried, and her face sometimes makes me think of a horse. But then again, I also think her voice is kind of grating and fail, so I can't get into her. So, I guess that wouldn't count. On the other hand, I think Linlin has an amazing voice, but (and again sorry for Linlin fans out there!) I can't get into her because her smile freaks me the hell out. She kind of looks like to me, one of those smiling dolls in horror movies that are out to kill you.
So to answer the question, I would say yes and no. If an idol is just a pretty face with no talent, I can't stand her, and if an idol has a lot of talent, but I don't think she's pretty or if she freaks me out, I can't look at her. But all in all, I really am a fan of personalities first, voices and performance skills first. So, I guess that makes me not shallow? I have no idea.
And to the nonshallow parts of AKB48, my next top 5 series will be on what I deemed to be the best vocal performances! Stay tuned for it!
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