So! Here's to me turning over a new leaf, and the start of my blog for AKB48! I'm still learning who everyone is in AKB48, but I'll tell you a little about my tastes so far by telling you my top 10 members:
1. Takahashi Minami
Words just can't describe how much I love her. In a world where idols put up personas and play roles, maybe I'm being very duped here, but I feel that Takamina is genuine. The voice that you hear MCing concerts and the person who leads the chants back stage, almost like the leader of AKB48. She's one of the best singers on the group, and every concert/stage that I've seen of her, she puts her all into it. When I think of AKB48, I think of her. I'm not a Team A fan at all, but she's one of the reasons why I even bother watching Team A stuff.
2. Akimoto Sayaka

In H!P, one of my favorite members is Yoshizawa Hitomi, aka Yossi. To me, Sayaka reminds me of Yossi, but is even more manly but in a good way (I also think she maybe a better singer than her). She's strong, she's tough, and plays one hell of a guy if you watch Kimi wa Pegasus and Return Match. She can rock like in Blue Rose and her new solo in K5. To me, Sayaka is the epitome of cool (the way Yossi is for me in H!P). She's one of the reasons why I love Team K so much. Also, if I woke up with her abs, I'd be so happy T-T
3. Masuda Yuka

Wow, what a voice. Every single time I see a unit with her in it, I'm blown away. She's an incredibly shafted member who never gets any parts in singles (if she's in them at all), but is a front person in the stages. She's one of the reasons why I am dying to go to Japan so I can watch a stage performance (Yuka, you better be there when I see the performance!). Also, her Kansai dialect is incredibly cute, and seems to fit her well.
4. Kasai Tomomi

I was actually really suprised by how high Tomomi-chan ended up on my rankings. But as it turns out, I LOVE every single unit she has been in, and really partly because of the way she performs in them. In concerts and stages, the way she moves and acts is so great. I'm not sure how to describe it, but she really is fun to watch. Also, I think her voice is adorable... reminds me of Ishikawa Rika of H!P. She uses it well, and for some reason doesn't come off fake to me at all.
5. Kashiwagi Yuki

I've actually been a fan of Kashiwagi Yuki since before she was in AKB48 during the 8th gen Morning Musume auditions. I was really hoping for her, Aika, and Sumire (who is a research student now) to form the new 8th generation. I only got Aika, who is getting incredibly shafted (but this isn't about MM). It's a good thing though for Yukirin, because she ended up better off as a star of Team B (even if it is shafted a lot compared to the other two teams). Her voice and her stage presence have won me over, but for the life of me, I can't seem to think how her dancing is. Probably because I too entranced by her voice. If she, Takamina, and Yuka did a unit/group together, I think I would die from the awesomeness.
6. Minegishi Minami

Miichan is so funny. From what I've seen of her on AKBingo! She's kind of cheeky and amazing. I think that she's really cute (she kind of looks like an elf to me), and I think she's an amazing performer in stages. I really adore her. (this is an edit since html is eating my posts)
7. Ohori Megumi

What I love about Meetan is that she's kind of like the Madonna of the idol world. She's sexy, she's pervy, and she's not afraid to express it. And this would not really work in the world of innocence that is the idol business. But somehow she not only makes it work, she makes it successful. Her solo release I thought was really good, and her duo of Oshibe to Meshibe to Yoru no Chouchou with Tomomi-chan was absolutely amazing. She plays her role well, and I have a lot of respect for her. I hope she really keeps it up.
8. Miyazawa Sae

Oh Sae. Why weren't you higher on my list? I'm sure if I took the American Wota test again, my results will be incredibly different. How could you not love Sae? She's loud and just so full of energy. But it's not even just that. She was intense in Blue Rose. Cool in Kimi ga Pegasus. Sad (but not in a cheezy way) in Keibetsu. She really can mold her self into any thing that they throw at her. What a performer. I love her so much.
9. Sato Natsuki

To be honest, Nacchi did not even make blip on my radar of AKB for the longest time. And then a month ago, K5 came out. Then I saw her in Dakishimetara, and I was blown away. I was like, how could have I not noticed such an amazing voice and performer? It turns out she was always there, but as really good back up support. I've noticed in that first shuffle concerts, the Team K versions of A songs were always so powerful with really strong harmony. I really think that she is partly responsible for that. She's an amazing back up (and an amazing lead too). I really think that she's the one that does that awesome harmony in Itoshisa no Defense that I love so much. Also, I love her huge hair (though I think she cut it recently, but she's still gorgeous) and I've been watching a couple of the DVDs and she's absolutely hilarious (from the limited Japanese that I know). Nacchi, you have won me over, and as I'm watching more and more AKB (to learn all those other people I don't know), I'll be looking really out for you.
10. Oshima Yuko

Again I can't believe she ended up so low. I really like her great acting skills, but I also love her silliness when she's not put in a role. I love that her voice is kind of on the husky side... it's really unique, but now that she had that surgery, I wonder if that's going to change it :( I really hope it doesn't... but if it's affecting her health, then that's probably more important. What an amazing performer
Honorable Mentions:
I have to make this list because there are a bunch of people that I really enjoy that were almost at my top ten list
Noro Kayo- I think she's interesting and funny. Great supporter like Nacchi. I would really like to see more of her because she intrigues me. Oh and I think she's absolutely gorgeous.
Itano Tomomi- I think her voice is interesting. I really love Tsundere! and she for some reason really fits that mold.
Miyazaki Miho- She's really cute. And I like her voice and her dancing, but I can't think of her personality at the moment.
All of Team B (except Mayu because I can't stand her voice-- sorry for Mayu fans!)- I'm not sure about them individually, but I love them as a collective group in B3. Ones that really stand out to me is the lead to Junjou Shigi (no idea who she is), Rabutan (the cutest face EVER... <3 her little dimple on her cheek) Matsuyuki (so sad that she graduated before I could really get to know her :( ), Cindy, and Nacchan (that's Natsumi from Team A's nickname, right?).
I didn't include the full list because there were like 20 of them that were tied at like 24th or something because I really didn't know who they were, but that's because I'm still relatively new. I'm sure this list will change as I watch more AKB48 and get to know who they all are.
Meetan in the top 10, FTW!
Hi! I'm Cat, from the Aitakatta blog! I was just thinking today that I wished more AKB fans would blog about the group, because I have so much fun reading blog posts, and then yours appeared and made me so randomly happy :D
I love the fact that you're a Team K fan, and I agree in everything you said about Takamina. Sayaka and her are definitely girls who never fake it, and I think that's amazing.
Also Yuko and Kasai in your top 10 <3 <3 <3
I'm really going to keep an eye out for your blog, so please keep up the great job :D
aww thank you, Cat! I really Aitakatta all the time, and I have to say your blog is amazing! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! m(_ _)m
Also, a big thank you to CK for getting my blog on IW. I really appreciate that!
It seems that most of the "bloggers" are Team K fans...
Cat, RSL, Dekiru Onna, Myself.
I'm not sure which Team Hina prefers, and Aigon is partial to Team B.
K Rules!
Lol, yeah... I really like Team B as well, but it's hard when you don't know who anyone is. No Team A fans out there? I guess Team A kind of has lost its identity a little with graduations (not that I know what the identity was before... but I'll learn)
I'm glad you like Natsuki! She's pretty awesome, and I totally agree about her voice.
Well, Hina's favorite member is Yuka, which might mean that she's also into Team K, but I'm not sure.
Surprisingly enough, for most casual fans Team A is their automatic favorite. I guess that Team K fans are more serious about our fandom so that we decide to blog? lol no idea.
I've also discovered a trend in that H!P fans usually find it easier to like Team B out of the 3 teams, I guess that it's because they are younger and might remind them of Berryz/C-ute and stuff.
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