Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Mandatory Introductory Information: now available in smaller bites for easier digestion!

In this vast dimension known as H!P blogging, it is customary for the H!P blogger (in this case, me) has to introduce to the readers (you, if you exist) their feelings on all the groups, individual members, etc. So, this is part one of who knows how many to get this over with.

So, let's start with the current artists: Morning Musume, Berryz Koubou, C-ute, Buono!, Melon Kinenbi, Ongaku Gatas, and the solo artists.

Let's start with the solo artists. I don't really listen to them much except for Aya Matsuura and Yuko Nakazawa. I love the sound of both of their voices. Though I would love them to leave H!P and go somewhere where they would be appreciated more.

I'm not a fan of Ongaku Gatas and Buono!. So far, all of their songs that they have released are very boring. Nothing has really caught on. It such a shame too because both of these groups have some amazing performers on there.

Melon Kinenbi is the first H!P group I heard. I got interested in them because of their song "Akai Freesia", which I thought it was cute and catchy. But then I got into their other stuff, and man are they good. All 4 of them are strong singers, which is really hard to find in an H!P group. they're songs are difficult, have beautiful blended harmonies, and maturer sounds. If you guys ever get the chance, just listen to "Kousui" and "This is Unmei". Two amazing songs that showcase their talent.

Now for the H!P kids group. I have to be honest, I'm like the millions of other bloggers out there that is a bigger C-ute fan than a Berryz fan. I can go into detail more later about it.

Now Morning Musume. What can you say about Morning Musume? Apparently a lot. Which is why I'm going to keep this post short by talking about it at another time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another First Post

Hey all. This is Kan. My pseudonym comes from the H!P cover duo I'm doing with my friend (whom I'm am going to call Shin, her pseudonym). Our H!P cover duo is Shinkanren, and you can click here. My half is named for a kanji that means pluck or nerve. Or in general for me, how I kind of go through life.

The name of my blog comes from the coupling song of "Ai Araba IT'S ALL RIGHT"(which btw, I think is the most boring Morning Musume song ever). I chose this name for a couple of reasons: 1. it fit with what I am on my duo, and 2. the song is awesome. Or maybe I'm impartial because I LOVE Queen, and "Dekiru Onna" was inspired by it.

Anyway, I'm about to join the masses out there with an H!P blog. I would think it's more of a place to share my inner thoughts on H!P and the fandom. So yes, nice to meet everyone, though I highly doubt anyone is reading now. Look forward to more later!